TravelBash by Courtnie Nichols

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How Much Does it Cost to Attend a Destination Wedding?

What do you get when you combine love, travel, and a whole bunch of family members? A destination wedding!

Destination weddings are a great way to get together with loved ones while celebrating the love of two people. Many couples choose to have their wedding in a place they've always wanted to visit, or one that has special meaning for them—but it can take a lot of work to know what such a wedding will cost you as a guest.

The average cost of attending a destination wedding is about $1,000 per person—and that's not including airfare or lodging. We also have to consider other forms of transportation, food/drinks for the duration of the trip, activities, and extra cash for incidentals like souvenirs or gifts for your host couple. But before you throw your hands up in despair, let's talk about how to save some money on each of these costs as a guest—because there are definitely ways!


-Book your flights early. The earlier you book your flight, the more likely you'll find lower prices. This is especially true if you're booking during peak travel times like Christmas or summer vacation. Try not to wait until last minute!

-Try to look for deals. There are tons of websites dedicated to finding cheap flights (like Skyscanner). It's worth checking these sites at least once a week to see if any new offers are available!

-Consider flying into another city close to your destination. This might seem counterintuitive at first blush, but it can save quite a lot on airfare.


-If you're traveling with other guests from the same city, you may want to consider carpooling to your destination. It can be a much more affordable option than flying, depending on how far away the wedding is.

-Consider taking public transportation instead of renting a car or taking a taxi. You'll save money and get to see more of the city as well!


-Find out if your host has accommodation options set up for guests or if they have recommendations for nearby hotels/Airbnbs that are within budget and close enough that you won't have trouble getting around (if there's no shuttle service).

-Consider splitting costs with other guests—especially if someone has offered! Sharing rooms with other couples or with singles if you're flying solo is always a good idea. You might end up meeting some great people! Plus, they'll be another friendly face at the wedding.


-If the wedding is held at a resort or hotel, you may be able to purchase meal packages that cover meals during your stay.

-Consider attending the more affordable events, such as the welcome dinner or rehearsal dinner, as these may offer more cost-effective options than the reception. 

-You can always opt to bring snacks and drinks with you in your luggage, saving yourself money while still enjoying the festivities.


-Find out ahead of time what discounts or deals might be available. You may be able to find discounted admission to some attractions. Taking the time to compare prices can definitely save you some!

-Try to stick to activities that are free or have minimal costs associated with them, such as outdoor picnics or free museum days.

-Consider teaming up with other guests and splitting the costs of any activities you do together, as well as transportation and rental fees. 


-Find out if other guests would be willing to collaborate and split the cost of a more significant gift so that everyone pays a smaller amount.

-You can look for creative, handmade gifts or DIY projects that can be completed within a reasonable amount of time.

-If you cannot purchase a physical gift, you can always give the couple a memorable experience like tickets to a show or dinner at a nice restaurant.

Above all, even though attending a destination wedding may be a bit more expensive than attending one in your own city/country, rest assured it will be an unforgettable experience. Destination weddings are unique and special; attending one can be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Not only will you get to experience the joy of seeing your friends or family tie the knot, but you'll also get to explore a new place. Having loved ones with the bride and groom on their special day is absolutely priceless.

P.S. If you've got a destination wedding coming up and you've decided to attend, here are our top tips on being the perfect destination wedding guest ;)