7 Travel Apps You Need to Download Before Your Next Trip

A woman scrolling through travel apps on her smartphone.

Ever felt like you needed a personal assistant just to navigate through airport security, or read a foreign menu? Well, good news — your smartphone is about to become your travel best friend! From finding the best local eats, to getting real-time flight updates, there’s an app for almost everything these days

So you don’t have to download them all, we did it for you! And, we’ve shared the most handy travel apps that are life-savers when you’re headed off on an adventure. So, before you zip up that suitcase and hop on your flight, let’s talk about the top 7 travel apps you absolutely need to download before your next trip.

1. Google Translate

Google translate screenshot of the tool

You might think this one is a no-brainer, but trust me, Google Translate is a godsend when you find yourself lost in translation. Whether you’re trying to order a glass of wine in Mexico, or asking for directions in Tokyo, this app can translate text, speech and even images in real-time! Travelling with hassle-free communication makes the experience so much better, and helps you learn the local language while you travel. 

Pro-Tip: Get DuoLingo and practice learning foreign languages while you travel. DuoLingo + Google Translate = who knows what language you’ll end up speaking next!

2. Wi-Fi Map

Screen shot of WiFi map app

I’m a firm believer in unplugging and not checking your phone while on vacation, but I also understand the need to share some epic moments with your family and friends as you’re experiencing them. WiFi Map is your secret weapon to finding reliable Wi-Fi hotspots, even in the most remote corners of the world. Plus, it provides passwords for locked networks so you can always get connected. 

Pro-Tip: We are believers of always using a VPN when connecting to public Wi-Fi — you’ve got to protect your data!

3. FlightAware

screenshot of flight aware app

Say goodbye to the anxiety of waiting at the airport, and download FlightAware. It offers real-time flight tracking for any flight, and keeps you updated on delays, gate-changes, and in-flight progress. We like the fact that it’s not only about tracking your own flights, but also helps you keep tabs on friends and family, making sure there’s a smooth airport pickup or drop-off experience (and trust me, we know how stressful driving around the airport can be). 

4. Packpoint

A screenshot of the Packpoint mobile app in action.

Packing is a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be! Packpoint makes sure you never forget your shit again, and helps you organize exactly what you need to pack based on the length of your trip. For us, it really helps take the stress out of packing — it even checks the weather forecast to make sure you’re prepared for any weather conditions! 

Also, I’ve mentioned before how important a packing list is for efficient travel — Packpoint will help you avoid over packing and bringing more stuff than you need.

5. Grab'

A screenshot of the Grab' mobile app in action.

You know that feeling of being hungry during a layover, but you don’t have enough time to wait in line and get food? It’s the worst feeling in the world, and I try to avoid it at any cost. Grab lets you pre-order food from airport restaurants, so your meal is ready when you arrive 💅. It’s a game-changer for those tight connections when every single minute counts. Plus, it helps you avoid another line! 

6. Dayuse 

A screenshot of the app Dayuse perfect for traveling

What do you do when you’ve checked out of your hotel but still have hours to kill before your flight? I would love to use this time to freshen up, catch up on work, or relax and get ready for my next adventure — so I use Dayuse! The app gives you discounted hotel room bookings for short daytime stays. It’s a win-win for both travelers and hotels looking to fill rooms during off-peak hours. 

7. Airalo 

Screenshot of the app Airalo and how it works

Don’t waste your money on expensive data roaming charges, there are alternatives! Well, there’s Airalo — an affordable eSIM data plan for any country you visit, letting you stay connected wherever you go. Simply download the app, choose your destination, and purchase an eSIM before your trip. Rest assured that you don’t have to deal with anymore unreliable Wi-Fi, or spend hundreds of dollars on data roaming charges again!

Pro Tip: Check coverage and data speeds for your destination to choose the best plan for your needs. 

Travelling is an amazing and transformative experience, and it's the little things that can make or break your trip. We always pay attention to those small details, because we know how much they matter. Waiting in long lines, overpacking, ordering the wrong drink, or walking around the hills of Lisbon with your suitcase (big regrets) while you wait for your next flight, can definitely sour your experience. And if there is a way to make life easier, why not take it? 

With these essential apps in your back pocket, you’ll be well-equipped to tackle any challenges that come your way while you’re away. So, go ahead, download these apps and go on your next adventure with peace of mind. Happy travels! 🌟🌎📱 

Editor Notes: This post was originally published October 5, 2017, and has been completely revamped and updated for accuracy, comprehensiveness, and relevance. 

Courtnie is the founder & CEO of TravelBash. After years as an ambitious fundraiser, she took her passion for travel full-time. She has lived all over the U.S. and abroad and after planning her own destination wedding, she decided to help other couples plan their big day abroad too. She has written “Passport to Paradise: The Complete Destination Wedding Guide,” a top seller on Amazon. She has also been featured in Travel + Leisure, Destination I Do and The Washington Post. As a certified travel advisor, expert event planner and natural connector, she uses her powers to create VIP travel experiences.


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